About us
Who We Are
We dare to design the future of Renal Education
Our values align with our mission, support our culture, and serve as a declaration of how we treat each other, our students, and our partners. We recognize that the health of others is as important as our own. We accept full responsibility for our education system, decisions, actions, and results. We are honest, ethical, and trustworthy.

1. Raising public awareness
2. Education
3. Prevention and early detection of CKD
4. Registration
5. Research
6. Bridging the gaps and inspiring young nephrologists

Advancing the standard of care for all renal patients in Egypt and extending this care to our Africa continent and some Arab countries.

1- Raising awareness via the society’s website, and social media, and organized meetings, through the Egyptian National Kidney Foundation (ENKF), which is a dedicated chapter in the society.
2- Education
• CME through physical and zoom meetings & webinars.
• Attendance of conferences and meetings, both national and international.
• Encouraging fellowship training.
• Outreach programs and training programs.
3- Prevention and early detection of CKD through organized campaigns
linked to the ENKF.
4- Registration Being the only way to identify our problems, solutions, and where we stand, a dedicated chapter was set for it.
5- Encouraging Research
6- Bridging the gaps and inspiring young nephrologists
• Collaboration with different health sectors to provide the best patient care.
• Collaboration with other Societies to exchange knowledge, gain expertise, and inspire new generations.